Welcome to the Invasive Species Centre!

We have a wide range of resources here on our website to help you manage invasive species. Please check out the species profiles, which gives detailed information on common plants, water weeds and pests. Or view our monthly ISC webinar series and events series, which highlights new tools and projects. An easy way for us to stay in touch is through our regular newsletter or news feed. At the Invasive Species Centre,  we are fortunate to work with a wide range of wonderful partners.  We are always looking for new partners and collaborations, so if you have an idea, we’d like to hear from you at info@invasivespeciescentre.ca.


Colin Cassin

Executive Director

Who we are

The Invasive Species Centre prevents the introduction and spread of high-risk invasive species in Canada by connecting stakeholders with knowledge and technology.

Incorporated as a non-for-profit in 2011, the Invasive Species Centre is a hub for collaboration and knowledge sharing. The Centre is a respected partner and leader in invasive species science, education, and action.


A Canada where land and water are protected from invasive species.


Mobilizing action against invasive species that harm the environment, economy and society.


INCLUSION: We are committed to building relationships with indigenous organisations and all communities.
INNOVATION: We embrace new ways of thinking, learning, leading and doing.
STEWARDSHIP: We protect nature from harmful impacts of invasive species now and in the future.
COLLABORATION: We are driven to break down barriers and to amplify our impact through partnership. We are respectful and inclusive of all.
COMMITMENT to EXCELLENCE: We inspire confidence with our emphasis on an evidence-based approach and we recognise the value of many ways of knowing. We bring our best, every day, with a dedication to not only getting the job done but leading the way.


The Invasive Species Centre honours the long history of the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Nation Peoples on the lands now known as Canada and strives to show respect to their ancestors, their communities, and to them individually.  

We greatly appreciate the significance of the lands, waters, and all living things, and offer our gratitude to the Indigenous people for their care for and teachings about our earth. Our relationships with Indigenous communities are important and we will continue to listen and learn how we can be in a good relationship with Indigenous peoples, the lands and waters, and all living things, and act accordingly. 

The Invasive Species Centre respectfully acknowledges that our head office is located on the traditional lands of the Anishinaabek, the Batchewana and Garden River First Nations, as well as the long-time settlement of the Métis People, in the Robinson Huron Treaty area.  

How we do our work

  • Build relationships and engage a broad array of stakeholders
  • Coordinate and support projects that contribute to invasive species knowledge and management
  • Develop capacity to manage invasive species
  • Develop actionable recommendations through leadership and long-term agenda-setting
  • Identify and fill needs for knowledge, tools, and resources
  • Spark and influence public discussion
  • Transfer policy and science knowledge to the broader public

The ISC carries out its work by:

Working with experts and stakeholders to help identify priorities and gaps in knowledge, tools, and resources.

Identifying and convening stakeholders and facilitating discussions.

Providing independent analysis for pressing issues.

Leading projects with multiple partners.

Providing seed funding for high-priority projects, and rallying other partners and supporters.

Collecting, consolidating, and disseminating information through the creation of dedicated websites, through regular environmental scanning, and making the outcomes of ISC-funded work publicly available.

Administering and overseeing the selection and delivery of research and on-the-ground projects on behalf of its funders to ensure value for money and alignment of efforts.

The outcomes of our work help to:

Better understand invasive species by generating new knowledge and information on invasive species biology, establishment, and spread.

More rapidly detect, respond to and control invasive species by developing new tools, technologies, methodologies and processes for on-the-ground management by professionals, practitioners and landowners

Build capacity among students and young graduates, and equip them with skills and experience to lead invasive species efforts in the next generation.

Increase awareness among citizens on the harmful attributes of invasive species, encouraging citizen science and community action to prevent and control the spread.

Invasive Species Centre Projects

Invasive Species Centre logo

Policy Support & Invasive Species Management

The Invasive Species Centre works on policy and technical projects to enhance invasive species management. We provide comments on policy changes or new legislation such as the Invasive Species Act, write technical reports such as risk assessments, best management practices and invasive species management plans and provide professional training.

Asian Carp Canada

Asian Carp Canada

Funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Asian Carp Canada engages environmental professionals and the public about the threat of Asian carps to the Great Lakes. We build practical response tools and provides web resources in French and English. Resources include information on prevention, early detection, and response. Learn more through the website, webinar series, and local events!

ICAIS logo

International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species

The International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species (ICAIS) is the most comprehensive international forum to address new and emerging issues related to aquatic invasive species in freshwater, marine and estuarine environments. ICAIS provides an international platform for the presentation of aquatic invasive species research that pertains to species biology, risk assessment, prevention, management and control methods, ecological and ecosystem impacts and restoration, outreach and policy. The Invasive Species Centre has been a secretariat since 2013.

Support Services

The Invasive Species Centre Support Services (ISCSS) project engages our existing expertise and capitalizes on a broad network of practitioners, policy makers, and academics to build strong teams and provide professional services in invasive species prevention and management. Learn more

Green Shovels Collaborative

The Invasive Species Centre (ISC) is the coordinator for the Green Shovels Collaborative, a group of like-minded conservation organizations and a collective of projects designed to achieve job creation, economic recovery, and environmental progress while addressing invasive species issues.  

Internship and Student Training

The Invasive Species Centre continues to invest in graduate internships and student work placements to build capacity and improve results on invasive species. New talent gains exposure to increased knowledge, skills, and the invasive species community. 

Find out more about the Invasive Species Centre

Founding Partners 


Corporate Social Responsibility 


2024 Annual Report

Thanks to our many partners, the Invasive Species Centre had a successful year of growth in invasive species action, outreach, and innovation. We look forward to working with all partners on our common goals to increase invasive species prevention and management.

Colin Cassin 

Executive Director