Webinar: Chondria tumulosa impacts to coral reefs in Hawaii
OnlineSpeaker: Dr. Heather Spalding, Associate Professor, College of Charleston
Speaker: Dr. Heather Spalding, Associate Professor, College of Charleston
This 1.5 hr session will cover the biology, life cycle, habitat, pathways of spread and impacts of several invasive woody plants.
The Wildfires, Climate Change and Invasive Species Virtual Conference, hosted by the Canadian Council on Invasive Species, aims to bring together researchers, Indigenous peoples, policymakers, and practitioners to identify synergistic […]
The Invasive Species Centre, in coordination with Couchiching Conservancy and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, is hosting an in-person workshop to learn more about beech leaf disease in Ontario. […]
This in-person event will take place in Vancouver British Columbia, and feature insights and practical advice for managing EAB. Join Lallemand Plant Care (previously known as BioForest) for a half-day […]