Archives: Events

Call for Abstracts for the 2024 AISC Conference

Olds College of Agriculture and Technology, 4500 50 Street 4500 50 Street in Olds, AB

Are you interested in presenting at the Alberta Invasive Species Council’s (AISC’s) 11th Annual Conference? Perhaps you have an invasive species success story, or a new tool or method that you are utilizing that has changed the way you work. Or maybe you have research findings that you could share with our audience? Showcase your […]

Oak Wilt in Woodlots: What Can We Do?


The Ontario Woodlot Association and BioForest invite you to explore and learn about oak wilt preparation, prevention, and management options for landowners. The presenters are Urban Forest Health Specialists, John Barker, and Anna Ketchum with BioForest (part of Lallemand Plant Care). The webinar will be moderated by Communications Coordinator Olyvia Foster from the Ontario Woodlot […]

66th Annual Forest Pest Management Forum

Courtyard Marriott Downtown in Ottawa, Ontario and virtually via Zoom Hosted by the Canadian Institute of Forestry

Organized by Natural Resources Canada in support of the National Forest Pest Strategy, the Forum is the largest and most significant gathering of forest pest management experts, managers, and practitioners in Canada. The objectives are to share information on current and future forest health conditions, forest pest control operations, environmental issues, and the development of […]

NE RISCC Management Network | Coffee Talk: Managing for Stiltgrass in a Changing Environment

Register here How can local management actions and priorities adapt as we navigate climate change? Join the Northeast RISCC for a conversation with Shikha Singh about “Japanese Stiltgrass: Lessons Learned While Managing for Stiltgrass in a Changing Environment.” After a brief presentation by Shikha on the successes and challenges of managing Japanese stiltgrass in public and private […]

NE RISCC Management Network | Coffee Talk: Out of Control? The Effects of Climate Change on Biological Control Agents and their Target Hosts

Register here. Read the Management Challenge How does climate change affect biocontrol agents and their hosts? Join the Northeast RISCC for a coffee talk discussion on our new Management Challenge, Out of Control? The Effects of Climate Change on Biological Control Agents and their Target Hosts.  After a brief summary of the ways climate change can impact […]