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Forests Ontario’s 2024 Annual Conference

Vaughan, Ontario

Join in at Ontario's largest forestry conference for expert speakers, engaging discussions, and valuable networking opportunities that will empower and inspire real change in our communities. Together, we can ensure a future with healthy forests that sustain biodiversity, healthy people and a healthy economy.

Oak Wilt Workshop

Pinery Park Visitor Centre and Virtual Room

Join Friends of the Pinery Park for an informative and engaging event on the looming threat of oak wilt in our community. This event aims to raise awareness about the destructive nature of oak wilt and educate attendees on preventative measures and management strategies.

2024 Alberta Invasive Species Council Conference

Olds College of Agriculture and Technology, 4500 50 Street 4500 50 Street in Olds, AB

A variety of sessions focused on invasive species as well as certified pesticide applicator credits will be offered. The AISC will be hosting a poster session and opportunities for networking and sponsorship. Registration for the AISC 2024 Conference opens on January 2nd, 2024 Abstracts are due November 13, 2023. Follow the instructions in the following link and send to […]

International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

The International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species (ICAIS) is the most comprehensive international forum to address new and emerging issues related to aquatic invasive species (AIS) in freshwater, marine and estuarine environments. ICAIS provides an international platform for the presentation of research to advance global action to limit the introduction and spread of AIS worldwide […]