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Asian Longhorned Beetle Workshop

Ron Kolbus Centre, Britannia Park, 102 Greenview Avenue, Ottawa

The Asian longhorned beetle (ALHB) training session is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and tools required to detect ALHB in the field. The format of the training will be a short presentation and discussion followed by a review of ALHB signs and symptoms simulated on trees in the park. The session will provide […]

Ontario Forest Health Review

Barrie, Ontario

The Forest Health Review is an annual meeting to provide an update on the current status of forests in Ontario for forest resource managers, foresters, ecologists, conservation authorities, pest management companies, academics, municipalities, and others interested in forest resource management. Experts will present the latest information on forest health conditions, forest invasive pests, current and […]

Public Consultation Period – A new directive to mitigate the introduction and spread of spotted lanternfly open for comments

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has launched a public consultation to seek comments on the program directive D-24-01: Spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) – domestic and import phytosanitary requirements. This new directive describes the phytosanitary import requirements for nursery stock and logs of deciduous species with bark from regulated areas of the continental United States […]

2024 Upper Midwest Invasive Species Conference

Duluth Entertainment Convention Center in Duluth, Minnesota

The Upper Midwest Invasive Species Conference (UMISC) is a biennial conference that addresses all taxa of invasive species. In 2024, UMISC will celebrate 16 years of connecting the invasive species management, research, and policy community. The goal of UMISC is to strengthen management of invasive species, especially prevention, control, and containment. There have been great […]

Wildfires, Climate Change & Invasive Species National Conference


“Wildfires, Climate Change, and Invasive Species” is more than a conference; it’s a journey towards safeguarding our forests and biodiversity from the triple threat of wildfires, climate change and biodiversity. This event will: Bring together partners with diverse perspectives to explore the topic and their roles in finding solutions Provide an opportunity to educate, increase […]