Risk Assessment Database
Risk assessments identify, evaluate, and estimate the level of risk of a potential invasive species. They are an important tool in invasive species management, and are used to inform, prevent, prioritize, and respond.

Economic Impacts
Invasive species incur direct and indirect cost to Canada’s forest and water ways. The ISC conducted an Ontario-wide survey to understand the cost of invasive species on municipalities and conservation authorities

Municipal Assets
Invasive species impact infrastructure, urban ecosystems, the economy, and communities. Investments in prevention can have long-term economic benefits and help protect municipal assets.

Species at Risk
Protecting ecosystems from degradation caused by invasive species can help protect species at risk and critical habitats. In 2019, the United Nations reported invasive alien species as a top-5 driver of species decline.

Climate Change
Climate change can accelerate the introduction and spread of invasive species. Together, invasive species and climate change reduce ecosystem resilience and negatively impact biodiversity.