Who regulates invasive species?

In Canada, invasive species management is jointly regulated by federal and provincial legislation. Under the Constitution Acts, 1967 to 1982, the following matters relevant to invasive species movement and management are under the power of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures, respectively:

Powers of the Parliament (Federal)

  • Trade and commerce
  • Navigation and shipping
  • Sea coast and inland fisheries
  • Multi-province railways

Powers of Provincial Legislatures

  • Management of provincial public lands and related forests
  • Municipalities
  • Property and civil rights
  • Conservation and management of natural resources and forestry
  • Agriculture

Legislation plays an important role in the regulation and management of invasive species and pathways of spread in Canada. On a federal level, legislation regulates ballast water management, fisheries management, and the movement of wildlife, pathogens, and pests – all of which can play a role in invasive species spread. In Ontario, the Invasive Species Act (2015) can be used to regulate the prevention and management of invasive species.

At the Invasive Species Centre, we take every opportunity to discuss and advance policy related to invasive species prevention and management at both the government and community levels. This includes providing comments on proposed legislation via the Environmental Registry of Ontario. Most recently, we have provided feedback on the proposed changes to the Ontario Invasive Species Act, the strategic direction for managing forest pests in Ontario, updates to the Ontario Endangered Species Act, and updates to Ontario’s forest sector strategy.

Want to get involved? Digging into policy and providing feedback on legislative changes is a great way to advance invasive species prevention and management at the provincial and federal levels. Communities can also bring invasive species issues to the forefront and drive policy change by voicing concerns with policymakers and local political representatives.

Click on the tabs below to learn more about federal and provincial legislation in Ontario related to and focusing on invasive species. Legislation in other provinces and territories coming soon.

Federal legislation focusing on invasive species

Federal legislation related to invasive species

Ontario legislation focusing on invasive species

Ontario legislation related to invasive species