Community Science Program

Join – Learn – Take Action! 

Community science is the collection and analysis of data relating to the natural world by members of the public, done in collaboration with people in the scientific community. 

To date, the Invasive Species Centre has engaged over 18,000 people through community science projects. This Community Science Program aims to connect all of our ISC and partner opportunities and resources in one handy spot, so you can connect to the initiatives that interest you most! It’s as simple as Joining, Learning and Taking Action through one of the many ongoing community science initiatives!  


Join our network to stay up to date on new initiatives, events and learning opportunities. 


Learn more about invasive species and what role you can play in mitigating the spread.

Take Action

Take action and participate in a community science initiative!



The first step in becoming a citizen scientist is to join our mailing list! This gives you access to: 

  • Event notifications and registration right to your inbox 
  • Bi-weekly media and research scans  
  • Community science funding opportunities 
  • Enables you to keep in touch with others who share your interests 


Training Webinars: Our YouTube Channel serves as a platform to share training videos, and informative webinars about invasive species. 

 Species Profiles: Meet the species that are invasive across Canada; pests, plants, pathogens, fish, animals and invertebrates! 

Best Management Practices Database: A collection of easily accessible resources from a wide range of organizations focused on invasive species management recommendations.

Factsheets and Resources: These in-depth invasive species resources include technical bulletins, fact sheets, best management practices, and videos. 

Teaching about Invasive Species: See our list of free teaching resources to help teach and learn about invasive species in Canada.  

Invasive Species Awareness Week: You can get involved by liking and sharing posts created by participating organizations, or posting with the hashtag #InvSpWk during ISAW.   

Green Shovels: Collaborative, shovel-ready projects to achieve job creation, economic recovery and environmental progress on invasive species. 

Asian Carp Canada: Your resource for information and news regarding the overall threat of Asian carps to the Great Lakes and beyond. 

Take Action

Become a Community Scientist, there are many initiatives to join:

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid monitoring network

Be part of a program that offers a unique opportunity for community members to become actively involved in monitoring and stewardship of their woodlots.

sault ste marie Himalyan balsam pulls

Manage Himalayan balsam in Sault Ste Marie for a chance to win two $100 gift cards to New North Greenhouse! 

beech leaf disease monitoring network

With the eyes of community scientists on the ground helping to give us a better picture of where beech leaf disease is moving, how it is moving, and what we can do to stop or slow the spread.

paddle with a purpose

Learn more about the European Water Chestnut Rapid Response Program and how you can protect recreational waterways.

host a garlic mustard pull

Host your own garlic mustard pull with this handy guide.


See upcoming ISC and partner events.

tree check form

Monitor your tress and report what you find to our survey form, creating a better understanding of the current health of Canada’s trees.

invasive egg mass scraping

Learn how to detect and scrape invasive spongy moth egg masses.

survey your lake

Monitor your lakes and shorelines for aquatic invasive species. 

Toronto nature stewards

Join a hands-on stewardship group in Toronto’s ravines and natural areas.

Need support with your community science work? Looking to add your initiative to the ISC’s Community Science Program webpage? Email us at

Interested in attending one of our events? Visit our Upcoming Events page.

Current and previous community science projects generously supported by:

Current and previous community science project partners: