The Invasive Species Action Fund (ISAF) is a grant program designed to facilitate on-the-ground management and monitoring of invasive species in Ontario. The program is made possible thanks to the support of Ontario’s Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR).  

See the list of Invasive Species Action Fund recipients here.

On this page:

Fund Information

Program Goal 

Ontario is one of the highest-risk provinces for the introduction of new invasive species to Canada. With an abundance of invasive species and finite resources to address the issue, allocating resources to the most strategic projects is critical to make effective progress.  

Many municipalities, organizations, conservation authorities and other partners continue to see invasive species establishing and spreading in their areas with few resources to work proactively to detect, prevent and eliminate these species prior to the requirement for long-term control and management action.  

ISAF will enable successful applicants to catalyze action on invasive species management in Ontario in 2024, while also supporting them in planning and quantifying needs to complete work in the future. 

This new program will also support goals identified in the Ontario Invasive Species Strategic Plan including: 

  • To prevent new invaders from arriving and surviving in Ontario, 
  • To slow, and where possible reverse, the spread of existing invasive species, and  
  • To reduce the harmful impacts of existing invasive species 


  • Supporting prevention, control and eradication activities to reduce the threats posed by Ontario’s highest-risk invasive species  
  • Enabling planning, mapping, monitoring, and management actions at the local level 
  • Assessing the impact of control activities and supporting planning for future work  

ISAF Funding Streams 

Funding Streams 
Stream Funding Cap Project Completion Reporting Requirements 
Stream 1:  Microgrants $2,500 January 2025 Agreement; Final Report 
Stream 2:  Accelerated Impact $10,000 January 2025Agreement; Interim Report; Final Report 
Stream 3: Transformative Action $25,000  Note: exceptional projects up to $50,000 will be considered January 2025 Agreement; Interim Report; Final Report 

Funding Priorities

  • The Microgrants stream continues to support local communities with invasive species needs. Key themes include, but are not limited to, volunteer stewardship and collaborative action.
  • Priorities for Accelerated Impact and Transformative Action streams are more specific and can be found in the Applicant Guide. There, you will see a range of species, geographies and key themes that have been identified as ISAF priorities for 2024. Applicants are encouraged to submit projects that meaningfully address at least one priority species and key theme.

Additional Fund Information

Click on the titles below to learn more about applicant criteria:

Eligible Applicants 

The following organizations and landowners located in Ontario are eligible:

  • Non-government organizations and charities 
  • Municipal and local governments 
  • Universities, colleges, and schools 
  • Indigenous Communities/Organizations 
  • Conservation Authorities 
  • Landowners (only where projects align with collaborative ongoing efforts on public lands) 

Ineligible Applicants 

  • Federal government departments and agencies 
  • Provincial government ministries 
  • Organizations/entities outside of Ontario
  • Private landowners (Note: in exceptional situations, private lands directly abutting onto public property with a comprehensive public invasive species management plan could be part of an application from an eligible participant above)

Eligible Costs & Activities

  • Salary costs directly related to the project
  • Contractor costs directly associated with the project
  • Purchase and rental of equipment, supplies and materials directly related to the project
  • Administration costs not exceeding 10% of ISAF contribution to a project
  • Convening multi-partner collaborations on invasive species management to address landscape-level prevention and management work
  • Prevention, control and management plans for invasive species
  • Training youth and youth engagement activities
  • Costs associated with training and/or licensing of current employees to increase capacity for invasive species removal

Ineligible Costs & Activities 

ISAF does not fund: 

  • Salary costs for full or part-time municipal employees that would continue to be employed without ISAF funding. However ISAF funding can be used to support new positions or contract extensions that are solely intended to meet ISAF project outcomes.
  • Projects with a primary focus on invasive species education and outreach
  • Projects that focus on invasive Phragmites. Please consider applying to the Green Shovels Collaborative’s Invasive Phragmites Control Fund for these projects. We expect to share Information on future cycles of the Invasive Phragmites Control Fund in April 2024. See more information: Invasive Phragmites Control Fund.
  • Projects that are undertaken exclusively on privately owned property
  • Land securement
  • Capital equipment purchases exceeding 20% of the total ISAF request

Additional Information for Applicants 

  • All invasive species prevention and control projects must demonstrate how their project will be using established Best Management Practices for their species of focus. Should a BMP not be available, the proponent must demonstrate how their proposed approach builds on existing knowledge for effective control
  • Applicants are required to obtain all permits, licenses and authorizations prior to completing the proposed work. Furthermore, applicants are responsible for obtaining landowner permission to access and complete work on any private property. It is the responsibility of the applicant to understand the legal parameters required under each project and said responsibilities rest with the applicant, project partners, and/or contractors alone.
  • Proposals require a formal matching of 1:1 in cash contributions or in-kind support (please see “Non-ISAF Contributions” section in the Applicant Guidelines for additional details)
  • Projects that support positive outcomes in controlling multiple invasive species are encouraged
  • Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit any invasive species distribution data collected under ISAF supported projects through EDDMapS and/or iNaturalist
  • Applicants are strongly encouraged to describe how the project links and supports municipal or other plans and policies
  • An organization can submit more than one application to ISAF for consideration. In situations where multiple submissions are made by a single organization, reviewers will strive to ensure the strongest projects from the most applicants are supported.
  • Letters of support are encouraged when submitting a project for ISAF consideration

Award Terms

The 2024 ISAF has received funding from the MNRF to support projects in Ontario. The Fund strives to support a number of projects in three different streams with up to $2,500 for each successful applicant receiving a Microgrant, up to $10,000 for Accelerated Impact grants, and up to $25,000 for Transformative Action grants, exceptional projects will be considered up to $50,000. Successful applicants will receive their award, once determined, for activities to be completed by January 2025.

Award recipients agree to provide project updates, stories, and photos to be used by the Invasive Species Centre to communicate project outcomes and raise awareness about invasive species in Ontario. Award recipients agree to report on specific key performance indicators that will be used to communicate project outcomes. Award recipients will also communicate project outcomes and raise awareness of invasive species stories when appropriate.

Applicants may also be asked to participate in an Invasive Species Centre led event to share a short presentation or poster about the project and outcomes.

Proposed Notification and Reporting Timelines for FY 2025

Phase  Start  End  
Request for Proposals  Wednesday, March 6, 2024 Thursday, April 18, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. ET 
Successful recipients notified (target date)  Late April or Early May 2024
Agreements  Late May, 2024
Interim Reporting (Accelerated Impact and Transformative Action)September 9, 2024September 27, 2024 
Final Reporting (all streams)January 6, 2025 February 1, 2025

* Eligible expenses for successful project will be permitted from notification date. 

Virtual Information Sessions


Watch a recording here.


  • Developing a Budget:  Watch the recordings here  
  • Webinar 5: In-Kind Contribution:  Watch the recording here  

If you are unable to attend any of the live sessions, a recording will be posted on the ISC YouTube page.

Applicant Guidelines

Access a PDF of the FY 2025 Applicant Guidelines here.

Online Application Forms

The online application portal is now closed. Thank you to all those who applied. Stay tuned for more information coming soon!

Contact Information

Please contact Kendra Jolley at to discuss the Invasive Species Action Fund.