Invasive Species Centre supports collaborative action projects by community groups, Indigenous organizations, and municipalities on critical invasive species, including invasive plants, aquatic plants, and forest pests.  This Fund is supported by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.

Program Goal 

Ontario is one of the highest-risk provinces for the introduction of new invasive species to Canada. With an abundance of invasive species and finite resources to address the issue, allocating resources to the most strategic projects is critical to make effective progress.  

Many municipalities, organizations, conservation authorities and other partners continue to see invasive species establishing and spreading in their areas with few resources to work proactively to detect, prevent and eliminate these species prior to the requirement for long-term control and management action.  

ISAF will enable successful applicants to catalyze action on invasive species management in Ontario in 2024, while also supporting them in planning and quantifying needs to complete work in the future. 

This new program will also support goals identified in the Ontario Invasive Species Strategic Plan including: 

  • To prevent new invaders from arriving and surviving in Ontario, 
  • To slow, and where possible reverse, the spread of existing invasive species, and  
  • To reduce the harmful impacts of existing invasive species 


  • Supporting prevention, control and eradication activities to reduce the threats posed by Ontario’s highest-risk invasive species  
  • Enabling planning, mapping, monitoring, and management actions at the local level 
  • Assessing the impact of control activities and supporting planning for future work  

Learn more about the funded projects below (click the header to learn more).

Fiscal Year 2025 recipients

Microgrant recipients

Organization nameProject title
Friends of Riverview Park Green Spaces (FoRPGS), a sub-committee of the Riverview Park Community AssociationFriends of Riverview Park Invasives Action Plan
Credit Valley Conservation FoundationEarly Detection Monitoring for Oak Wilt in High-risk Forest Communities.
Mississippi Valley Conservation AuthorityWatts Creek Invasive Species Removal
Lakehead Region Conservation AuthorityManaging Narrowleaf/Hybrid Cattail in Hurkett Cove
Oakvillegreen Conservation AssociationCleanPullRestore at Preserve Woods
Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy Inc.Tout Hollow Nature Preserve – Invasive Species Management
Toronto Nature StewardsBuckthorn removal at Cherry Beach, a multi-partner collaboration in a municipal park on Lake Ontario
Toronto Nature Stewards (Sunnypoint Site)Invasive plant removal – Sunnypoint Park (Scarborough Bluffs)
Picard Lake Cottage Association (PLCA)PLCA Eurasian Water Milfoil Mitigation and Control Trial – Phase 2
Rideau Waterway Land TrustImprove local biodiversity through dog-strangling vine removal and the
creation of native pollinator garden.
Sharbot Lake Property Owners` Association (SLPOA)Eurasion Water Milfoil (EWM) Monitoring and tracking on Sharbot Lake
Strong TownshipBest Practices for managing and preventing spread of Japanese knotweed in Sundridge, Strong and Joly.
County of DufferinInvasive Species Removal in the Mono Tract of the Dufferin County Forest
Toronto Natuare StewardsToronto Nature Stewards of Serena Gundy Park
Maitland Trail AssociationFollow up restoration and control of invasive Buckthorn in the Maitland Woods and Sifto Loop.
City of the Richmond HillInvasive Species Management at Phyllis Rawlinson Park
Thames Talbot Land TrustRemoval of Garlic mustard and Common buckthorn at Five Points Forest and McTavish Tract
Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation (with assistance from University of Toronto (Scarborough)Testing the use of burlap mats to control Eurasian Milfoil in the Old Ausable Channel.
Haliburton Highlands Land TrustHaliburton Highlands Land Trust Invasive Species Monitoring, Prevention and Control
Ontario StreamsCold Creek European Buckthorn Control and Native Revegetation Project 2024
Ontario StreamsToogood Pond European Buckthorn Control and Native Revegetation Project 2024
Friends of Second MarshBuckthorn Management – Season 2
Lake of the Woods District Stewardship AssociationEducation and outreach for sustainability
South Nation ConservationOschmann Forest Buckthorn Eradication Project
The Corporation of the City of MississaugaEnhancing the Mississauga Nature Stewards Volunteer Program
South Nation ConservationRobert Graham Conservation Area Buckthorn Eradication Program
Scouts CanadaCamp Wetaskiwin Watershed and Forest Health
Rotary Club of UxbridgeMechanical Removal of Common Buckthorn in the Trails of Uxbridge Through Volunteer Collaboration
Drag Lake Property Owners’ AssociationImproving the Management of Large EWM Outbreaks and Enabling Control of Small Outbreaks by Owners
Lower Trent Region Conservation AuthorityAllowing rare and and natural flora communities to thrive at Sager Conservation Area
University of Toronto, Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design – Nikibii Dawadinna Giigwag Indigenous Youth ProgramNikibii Dawadinna Giigwag Indigenous Youth Program Land Restoration Initiative at the Hart House Farm
Crieff Hills Retreat CentreBuckthorn Removal Final Stage, Pines Area
Wollaston Lake Home and Cottage AssociationEurasian Milfoil Remediation – Benthic Mat Installation and Transport Canada approved floating signs at marked Beds
Ausable Bayfield Conservation AuthorityCollaborating for Early Detection, Rapid Response, and Invasive Species Management
Wollaston Lake Home and Cottage AssociationBoating Channel Creation via Mechanical Eurasian Milfoil Harvesting
Homegrown SocietyConnecting People To Forests Through Stewardship
rare Charitable Research ReserveGet at the Root of the Invasive- Management of Buckthorn through Community Volunteer Engagement
Bayfield River Valley Trail AssociationBayfield River Valley Trail Association – Invasive Species Removal Project
Heartland Forest Nature ExperienceInvasive Buckthorn Community Engagement Removal Project
Toronto Nature Stewards – Port Union Waterfront Trail siteToronto Nature Stewards – Port Union Waterfront Trail Restoration Project
Sydenham Field NaturalistsPawpaw Woods Invasive Species Removal and Education
Sheshegwaning First NationSheshegwaning First Nation Elder Interviews for Invasive Species Identification
Toronto Nature Stewards Highland Creek ParkCitizen-Led Stewardship & Invasive Species Management in the Highland Creek Watershed
Township of WoolwichTaking control of Buckthorn in the Elmira Nature Reserve
Lower Thames Valley Conservation AuthorityLTVCA Invasive Species Volunteer Stewardship Initiative
Kettle Creek Conservation AuthorityPhase 2: Invasive Species Management, Natural Succession Zone, Kirk Cousins Management Area
Town of AuroraTown of Aurora – 2024 Invasive Species Remediation
Municipality of WhitestoneWhitestone Works Together: Campaign Against Japanese Knotweed
Don`t Mess with the DonProject Buckthorn
Hamilton Wentworth Green VentureRestoring Hamilton`s Urban Forests: Combating Invasive Species Through Monitoring and Management
Peterborough Utilities GroupCommunity Action: Invasive Species Removal at Riverview Park and Zoo
Homegrown SocietyDeveloping A Community-led Invasive Species Management Strategy on the Anne Bartley Smith Property
University of WaterlooManaging common buckthorn at the University of Waterloo
Action Sandy HillRideau River Riparian Forest Biodiversity Project 2024
Junction Creek Stewardship Committee Inc.Managing Invasive Plants along Urban Trails in Sudbury
Upper Thames River Conservation AuthorityInvasive Species Community Engagement in the City of Stratford

Accelerated Impact and Transformative Action recipients

Organization nameProject title
Credit Valley Conservation FoundationComprehensive Invasive Species Management at Island Lake Conservation Area
County of SimcoeContinuing to Manage Dog-strangling Vine and Other Invasives at County of Simcoe’s Tottenham Tract
City of GuelphRestoring the Eramosa River Corridor in Guelph
Hamilton Conservation FoundationJapanese Knotweed Control in Dundas Valley
McMaster UniversityProtecting old growth hemlocks in the Dundas Valley and combatting the spread of invasive knotweeds
Michipicoten First NationMichipicoten First Nation: Preventing Invasive Species Through Equipment Washing
County of SimcoeManaging Dog-strangling Vine on Multiple Sites Across Bradford West Gwillimbury
Trent UniversityInvasive species management through planning, strategic control, and community collaboration at Trent University
Atikameksheng AnishnawbekReversing the Spread of Invasive Species in Atikameksheng Anishnawbek Pt. 2
Thames Talbot Land TrustRemoval of Japanese Knotweed and Tree of Haven populations from the Boview Farm Nature Reserve
Bruce Trail ConservancyRemoving Invasive Species Along the Bruce Trail
Northumberland Land TrustControl of Dog-Strangling Vine at 13 of Northumberland Land Trusts Nature Reserves
Hobbitstee Wildlife RefugeRestore and Protect Ecosystem Health in Peacock Point Wetland by Management of Invasive HWA
Freedom HouseGiant Hogweed Mitigation Project (GHMP) 2
Nipissing First NationRooting out Invasion – A community-guided approach to mapping and managing Japanese Knotweed in Nipissing-First-Nation.
The Niagara Parks FoundationBreaking the Chain: Dual Approach to Halt the Spread of Spotted Lanternfly through Ailanthus Removal
Ontario Woodlot AssociationHemlock Champion Project
Corporation of the City of VaughanHemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) Action Plan – City of Vaughan
Landscape Ontario Horticultural Trades AssociationEnhanced surveillance of new invasive pests in the landscape.
Royal Botanical GardensRoyal Botanical Gardens’ Response to Hemlock Woolly Adelgid – Promoting ecological leadership in conserving Eastern Hemlock
Hamilton Naturalists ClubProtecting hemlock swamp at Spooky Hollow Nature Sanctuary and hemlocks at Short Hills Nature Sanctuary
Ganaraska Region Conservation AuthorityAccelerating Action in the Ganaraska Forest Watershed – Integrative Monitoring & Management of Multiple Invasive Species
Grand River Conservation AuthoritySafeguarding Natural Areas from the Encroachment of Dog Strangling Vine
Birds CanadaPreserving our Canopy: assessing the expansion zone of Hemlock Wooly Adelgid in critical bird habitat
The Couchiching ConservancyInvasive Species Monitoring Program Continuation Plan
The Corporation of the Town of CaledonTown of Caledon Trailway Invasive Species Management- 2024 Conservation Authority Collaboration
Union of Ontario Indians (Anishinabek Nation)Building Capacity for Invasive Species Management within Anishinabek Nation
City of HamiltonHemlock Woolly Adelgid – Monitoring and Management in the City of Hamilton
The Corporation of the City of WindsorInvasive Species Prevention, Containment, and Long-term Management in the Little River Corridor
Plenty CanadaIndigenous-led monitoring and control of invasive aquatic plants through restoration of Indigenous aquatic plants

Fiscal Year 2024 recipients

OrganizationLocationProject NameProject Overview
Atikameksheng AnishnawbekNaughton, ONReversing the Spread of Invasive Species in Atikameksheng AnishnawbekAtikameksheng Anishnawbek will work to reduce the risk of Japanese knotweed by taking action to eradicate the species from reserve lands.
Big Cedar Lake Stewardship AssociationNorth Kawartha, ONBig Cedar Lake Public Boat Launch Invasive Species Weed-Free Boat ChannelBig Cedar Lake aquatic invasive species weed-free channel at the public boat launch.
Copeland Forest Friends AssociationColdwater, ONImproving Recreation at Copeland ForestThis project will improve trail safety for recreational visitors within the Copeland Forest.
Corporation of the City of VaughanVaughan, ONMapping the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Species in the City of VaughanThe City of Vaughan monitoring program for the hemlock woolly adelgid species will proactively identify areas affected and create a city-wide strategy to help keep its population under control.
County of SimcoeMidhurst, ONManaging Dog-strangling Vine and Other Invasives at County of Simcoe’s Tottenham TractControlling dog-strangling vine and other invasive plants in Tottenham Tract to improve the health and plant diversity in the Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Linkage Area.
Drag Lake Property Owners’ AssociationHaliburton, ONIdentification, Monitoring and Control of Eurasian Watermilfoil on Drag and Spruce LakesThe Drag Lake Property Owners’ Association project aims to identify, monitor and selectively control Eurasian watermilfoil on Drag and Spruce lakes from June 1 until October 31, 2023.
Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy, Inc.Toronto, ONSimmons Preserve – Invasive Species ManagementThe Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy will be working with the local community and partners to identify and remove buckthorn and scots pine on the Simmons Nature Preserve.
Federation of Ontario Naturalists (operating as Ontario Nature)Halton Hills, ONInvasive Buckthorn Removal at Wilfrid G. Crozier Nature ReserveOntario Nature will reduce the spread of invasive buckthorn at the Wilfrid G. Crozier Nature Reserve, improving habitat within the Niagara Escarpment Biosphere Reserve.
Federation of Ontario Naturalists (operating as Ontario Nature)Wainfleet, ONControlling Invasive Hemlock Woolly Adelgid at Harold Mitchell Nature ReserveOntario Nature will reduce the infestation of invasive hemlock woolly adelgid at the Harold Mitchell Nature Reserve, conserving the rare mature hemlock forest.
Freedom House International ChurchBrantford, ONGiant Hogweed Mitigation Project (GHMP)GHMP coordinates landowners, volunteers, and authorities, to reduce populations of giant hogweed in the watershed and provide education about identification, removal, and risks, of this plant.
Friends & Stewards of Dorchester ParkBrampton, ONGrowing Together Against Invasives: Citizen Empowerment for Plant RemovalCommunity Stewardship at Dorchester Park through volunteer education and the removal of three invasive plant species.
Friends of Second MarshOshawa, ONCommon (European) Buckthorn Management with Community Volunteer StewardshipCommon (European) buckthorn management in the McLaughlin Bay Wildlife Reserve through community volunteer stewardship.
Friends of Wye MarshMidland, ONBuckthorn Suppression and SAR Habitat ImprovementContain and suppress invasive buckthorn and restore with native shrubs for the creation of a species at risk turtle nesting site.
Ganaraska Region Conservation AuthorityPort Hope, ONGFC Revitalization – Building Long-term Resiliency to HWA, BLD and other Invasive Species Within a Forest Management ContextMonitoring and proactive management of beech leaf disease, hemlock woolly adelgid, and other invasive species to promote resiliency and native species via understory thinning  in a mature plantation.
Garden River First NationGarden River First Nation, ONKetegaunseebee Plan for the Prevention and Monitoring of Invasive Species ProjectThis project is to plan for prevention and monitoring of invasive species in Garden River First Nation.
Grand Council Treaty #3 Represenative ServicesKenora, OnTreaty #3 Zebra Mussel Early Detection and PreventionGrand Council Treaty #3 will work with Treaty #3 communities to collect water samples for early detection of zebra mussel veligers across the Treaty #3 Nation to inform and guide future zebra mussel management.
Grand Council Treaty #3 Representative ServicesKenora, ONTreaty #3 Purple Loosestrife Mapping and MonitoringGrand Council Treaty #3 will map and monitor invasive purple loosestrife growing across the Treaty #3 Territory to guide future mitigation and removal work.
Hamilton Naturalists ClubHamilton, ONManaging Invasive Species at Hamilton Naturalists’ Club Nature SanctuariesManaging invasive species at Hamilton Naturalists’ Club’s nature sanctuaries will reduce the spread and impact of harmful invasive species in priority areas.
Heartland Forest Nature ExperienceNiagara Falls, ONInvasive Purple Loosestrife Community Engagement Removal ProjectHeartland Forest’s project will eliminate or impede the invasion of purple loosestrife in our unique Carolinian forest ecosystem through community engagement initiatives.
Junction Creek Stewardship Committee Inc.Sudbury, ONEmpowering Youth in Invasive SpeciesProvide the knowledge and tools to empower youth to be community stewards and take action against invasive species in the Junction Creek watershed.
Kawartha Land TrustPeterborough, ONConserving American Ginseng: Relieving Invasive Species Pressure to Support Isolated PopulationsKawartha Land Trust is protecting critical populations of species from invasive species in our forests using volunteers and expert knowledge to make tangible impacts.
Kayanase, div of Grand River Employment & Training IncBrantford, ONThe Mohawk Village Memorial Park Naturalization ProjectTo cover the initial costs for the management of this forest which would divert possible future budget funds to the restoration effort.
Kettle Creek Conservation AuthoritySt Thomas, ONTackling Invasive Species at Kirk Cousins Management AreaKettle Creek Conservation Authority will develop an invasive species management plan for the Kirk Cousins Management Area and initiate the treatment of spotted knapweed and woody invasive species including autumn olive and European and glossy buckthorn on seven acres of the property while engaging local high school students.
Lake Simcoe Region Conservation AuthorityNewmarket, ONInvasive Species Inventory and Mapping on Newly Acquired Conservation LandsConduct an inventory and mapping of invasive species distribution and abundance within a newly acquired conservation lands focused on ecological protection.
Lake Simcoe Region Conservation AuthorityNewmarket, ONExpanding Efforts for Wild Parsnip Control Along Trails and in Restoration Areas.To control wild parsnip spread in a conservation area that is home to a well utilized trail network and recent habitat enhancement projects.
Lakehead Region Conservation AuthorityThunder Bay, ONIdentifying and Mapping Narrow-leaved Cattail Stands within Hurkett Cove, OntarioThe intent of the project is to map the existing stands of narrow-leaved cattail within Hurkett Cove and begin consultation with like-minded project partners.
Lanark CountyPerth, ONOttawa Valley Recreational Trail Invasive Plants Stewardship ProjectThis project will mitigate the effects of invasive plants along the Ottawa Valley Recreational Trail to preserve the ecological and recreational value it provides to Lanark County.
Landscape Ontario Horticultural Trades AssociationSoutherwestern Ontario RegionwideMonitoring for Invasive Species on the LandscapeThe Landscape Ontario Horticultural Trades Association project focuses on surveillance and early detection of invasive pests (spotted lanternfly, oak wilt, hemlock woolly adelgid) in central and southern Ontario.
Lower Thames Valley Conservation AuthorityChatham, ONManaging New Invasions in the Lower Thames Valley Conservation AuthorityThe Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority will assess and actively manage recent invasions of Japanese stiltgrass on their property and water lettuce in McGregor Creek.
Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority (LTVCA)Chatham, ONLTVCA Urban Stewardship Invasive Removal ProgramThis program will engage members of the community in volunteer events to remove woody invasives that threaten to overtake native tall-grass prairies.
Lower Trent Region Conservation AuthorityTrenton, ONAllowing Rare and Natural Flora Communities to Thrive Through Removal of Invasive SpeciesTo preserve and protect Sager Conservation Area, a control plan to eradicate dog strangling vine will be implemented to allow natural plant communities, including rare remnant prairie species, to flourish.
Maitland Trail AssociationGoderich, ONControl invasive Buckthorn on the Sifto LoopKill and remove the vast majority of troublesome buckthorn shrubs on the Compass Mineral property known as the Sifto Loop; supported with future monitoring and control management.
Missanabie Cree First NationMissanabie, ONDog Lake Missanabie Invasive Species WatchDog Lake Missanabie Invasive Species Watch is intended to educate anglers coming in to fish on Dog Lake about the invasive species that are infiltrating northern inland lakes. We will have pictures in the pamphlet and will interview them over the course of 5-10 minutes at the boat launches to survey them about the knowledge/awareness of the invasives, whether they have seen them/where, and then we will ask them to do a circle check of their boat before launching to look for these invasives.
Niagara Bruce Trail ClubBeamsville, ONBuckthorn & invasive honeysuckle removal on high priority Bruce Trail Conservancy Nature ReservesInvasive buckthorn & invasive honeysuckle removal along high priority Bruce Trail Nature Reserves in the Niagara area.
Nottawasaga Valley Conservation AuthorityUtopia, ONInvasive Species Conservation Area ControlThe Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA) will implement best management practices to control targeted invasive species on various active conservation areas throughout our watershed.
Oakvillegreen Conservation AssociationOakville, ONBuckthorn Busters: Buttonbush Woods Restoration ProjectOakvillegreen will be removing invasive buckthorn, providing educational and practical experience to residents and participants, and promoting upcoming native species plantings at the same site.
Odoonabii Watershed StewardsPeterborough, ONJackson Park Invasive Species Removal – Phase 2The Odoonabii Watershed Stewards will extend the area that is cleared of buckthorn in Jackson Park, Peterborough. This natural park is within the City of Peterborough and invasives have established in several areas.
Ontario Federation of Anglers and HuntersPeterborough, ONResponding to Water Soldier in OntarioPreventing the spread of water soldier in Ontario, responding to new populations detected, and eradicating established populations of water soldier from public waters in Ontario.
Ontario StreamsAurora, ONEuropean Buckthorn Control and Native Revegetation Project 2023Ontario Streams will host events removing European Buckthorn and planting native vegetation in headwater habitats within the Humber River Watershed.
Picard Lake Cottage Association (PLCA)Trent Lake, ONPicard Lake Cottage Association Eurasian Water Milfoil Mitigation and Control TrialThe Picard Lake Cottage Association is launching a trial program to mitigate and control the spread of Eurasion water milfoil in its lake.
ReForest LondonLondon, ONBuckthorn Busting in London’s Celebration ForestThis project will create space for future naturalization plantings in London’s Celebration Forest through a series of buckthorn busting events with local community groups.
Rideau Waterway Land TrustElgin, ONImprove trail viewpoint through Dog-strangling vine removal and the creation of native pollinator gardenThe project aims to remove dog-strangling vine, prevent further spread, establish a pollinator garden, and educate visitors about conservation at the James Fullard Nature Reserve.
Riverview Park Community AssociationOttawa, ONFriends of Riverview Park Green Spaces Invasive Eradication ProjectThe Friends of Riverview park Green Spaces group is working to improve our community greenspaces by combating invasives species.
Rotary Club of UxbridgeUxbridge, ONMechanical Removal of Common Buckthorn in the Trails of UxbridgeA collaborative, volunteer community effort to mechanically remove and reduce the spread of common buckthorn in the trails of Uxbridge.
Severn Sound Environmental AssociationPort McNicoll, ONSevern Sound Community Invasive Shrub & Tree ManagementSevern Sound Environmental Association aims to expand capacity for community invasive shrub & tree management through the addition of specialized equipment for community management events.
Sharbot Lake Property Owners Association (SLPOA)Sharbot Lake, ONPhase 2 Eurasian Water Milfoil Mapping ProjectPhase 2 of drone mapping the spread of invasive Eurasian water milfoil in Sharbot Lake, Ontario.
The Corporation of the City of WindsorWindsor, ONInvasive Species Control Implementation and Early Detection Activities in the Ojibway Prairie ComplexThe City of Windsor will implement control of dog strangling vine, Japanese knotweed, and autumn olive, while increasing capacity to detect species on the watch list.
The Corporation of the Municipality of McDougallMcDougall, ONAddressing Japanese Knotweed in the Municipality of McDougallThe municipality will inspect all municipal roadsides for Japanese knotweed, and mitigate where found.
The Corporation of the Municipality of Port HopePort Hope, ONPort Hope Waterfront Trail Invasive Species Monitoring and ManagementThe Municipality of Port Hope is surveying the waterfront and riverwalk trails to complete an Invasive Species Management Plan and complete removals of priority species.
The Couchiching ConservancyOrillia, ONInvasive Species Monitoring Program Expansion PlanCouchiching Conservancy will map, monitor, and control the spread of five invasive plants and develop an Invasive plant eradication expansion plan for the future.
The Green HeronsSt. Catharines, ONStop the Sticky Bedstraw BrahStickyweed is threatening our marsh and classroom. We strive to keep our ecosystem healthy and will ‘Stop the Sticky Bedstraw Brah’!
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA)Toronto, ONHemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) Threat Assessment and Monitoring PlanTo meet the threat of hemlock woolly adelgid, TRCA is preparing and implementing an HWA Response Plan.
Toronto Nature Stewards (TNS)Toronto, ONToronto Nature Stewards – Newtonbrook Creek Ravine Restoration ProjectNewtonbrook Creek Restoration Project engages trained volunteers to remove invasive plants to help nature restore itself and allow native plants to thrive.
Toronto Nature Stewards, Leaside ParkToronto, ONRestoring the Natural Beauty of Leaside ParkWe will train local residents to recognize and remove invasive species from Leaside Park, to help restore its natural beauty.
Township of KingKing City, ONDog-Strangling Vine Mitigation at Cold Creek ConservationKing will utilize funding to undertake the identification and mitigation of dog strangling vine, as well as the installation of boot brushes at Cold Creek Conservation Area.
Township of StrongSundridge, ONSay No to Japanese knotweed in Sundridge, Strong and JolyThe objective is to sensitize landowners and visitors to the presence of Japanese knotweed, promoting accurate identification of this invasive plant, as well as mapping and action guided by Best Management Practices guidelines.
University of WaterlooWaterloo, ONManaging Garlic Mustard at the University of WaterlooThis project will manage garlic mustard at the University of Waterloo through workdays where garlic mustard will be removed and native species will be planted.
Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA)London, ONInvasive Species Management, Inventory, Monitoring, Mapping and Community Engagement in the UTRCA WatershedThis project will assist the UTRCA with our lands inventory and conservation area strategy projects as required by the Conservation Authorities Act.
West Lake Community Association (WLCA)Picton, ONWest Lake Invasive Aquatic Vegetation Control and Management ProjectTo engage organizations securing all ways possible for invasive aquatic species education and safe removal in West Lake threatening lake health and endangered species at risk habitats.
Wollaston Lake Home and Cottage AssociationCoe Hill, ONEurasian Milfoil Remediation – Benthic Mat Installation and Placement of Yellow Transport Canada approved Marker BuoysThe installation of benthic mats in Wollaston Lake, Coe Hill, Ontario, to reduce the prevalence and spread of Eurasian milfoil.
Wollaston Lake Home and Cottage AssociationCoe Hill, ONBoating Channel Creation via Mechanical Eurasian Milfoil HarvestingThe creation of a safe boating channel through harvesting of Eurasian milfoil.

Fiscal Year 2023 recipients

OrganizationProject NameProject Overview
Boating Ontario associationAquatic Invasive Species AwarenessIn person discussion’s at the Toronto International boat Show as well as follow ups for information requested and Boating Ontario social media
Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA)Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Awareness and Engagement WorkshopsCLOCA’s Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Awareness and Engagement Workshops will provide community awareness and support that is critical to the success of our early detection and management program.
Central Peel Secondary SchoolGarlic Mustard Removal Program and Native Plant RestorationStudents at Central Peel Secondary School will learn to control Garlic Mustard and revitalize the area with native plants.
Don’t Mess with the DonExpanded removal of invasives, DSV and Buckthorn, and restoration of habitat through widespread volunteer effortsRemoval and eradication of DSV invasive plants and restoration of native conditions through replanting.
Elephant Thoughts Educational OutreachEngaging Community in the Prevention and Spread of Invasive Species.The Engaging Community in the Prevention and Spread of Invasive Species program to ensure best practices to protect our region.
Guided Nature Meditation Walks & Events Meetup GroupInvasive Species Awareness Walk & AwarenessWhen community connects with the profound and healing beauty of nature
we cannot help but strive to care more deeply for the natural environment
this includes taking action to address invasive species. Guided forest bathing walks have the ability to help raise awareness about invasive plants and actions that can be taken towards stewarding the lands in higher
Kawartha Heights Public
Nature Area ProtectionThe removal of invasive species in our Nature Area is crucial to providing a safe, informative and positive learning environment.
Kettle Creek Conservation
Lake Margaret Woody Invasive Species ControlKCCA will manage woody invasive species on 3.5 acres of the shoreline of Lake Margaret in St. Thomas.
Lakehead University – Office of Community Engagement & Lifelong
Ontario Youth Naturalist Program: Invasive Species Module – Trip to Georgian Bay Islands National ParkImplementation of the Invasive Species module for SHSM students and a youth action project (2 classes) with Parks Canada
Lanark County Stewardship CouncilLanark County Stewardship Council Invasive Species Tool
Lending Library
Build community awareness on invasive species and provide tools and resources to engage Lanark County landowners in invasive species removal on their properties.
little Forest KingstonWeweni Gnawendandaa
Mitigwaaki – Let’s All Take Care of the Forest
An Indigenous-led project to improve biodiversity and spark citizen action while removing invasive species on Belle Island, in Kingston, Ontario.
Long Point Basin
Land Trust
Eradicating the first
record of Japanese Stiltgrass in Norfolk County
Long Point Basin Land Trust will eradicate Japanese Stiltgrass at the Shirley &
George Pond Nature Reserve in Norfolk County.
Lower Thames Valley Conservation
Imagine McGregor Invasive Removal ProgramThis program will utilize members of the community to remove woody invasives that threaten to overtake native tallgrass prairies.
Lower Trent Conservation AuthorityProtecting Rare and Naturalized Plant Communities from
Invasive Plants
In order to maintain and manage our property Sager Conservation Area, we would like to implement a control plan to eradicate the dog strangling vine that has been found throughout the property.
Municipality of WhitestoneGrow me Instead (Northern Ontario) – literature and
demonstration garden
Educate ratepayers with ‘Grow Me Instead (Northern Ontario)’ brochures. Create garden using natural, native plants to show how easy and beautiful it can be.
Nipissing First NationAnnual phragmites management supportThe purpose of this initiative is to support our eradication efforts through purchasing motorized equipment (STIHL cutters) for the purpose of
removing phragmites more efficiently utilizing the drownings technique.
Northumberland Land TrustControl of dog- strangling vine at the McEwen Nature
This project will control dog-strangling vine in nesting habitat for Grasshopper Sparrow and other grassland species.
Nottawasaga Valley Conservation
Invasive Species Control to Improve RecreationThe Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA) will implement best management practices to control wild parsnip, dog strangling vine, and Manitoba maple on various properties throughout our watershed.
Oakvillegreen Conservation Association Inc.Invasive Captains and Resources for Community Action
Against Invasive Species
Oakvillegreen is creating invasive species focused materials to increase awareness and knowledge of the different species and risks they pose.
Peterborough Golf & Country
Club (PC&CC)
Dog Strangling Vine – Reduce-Remove-ReplantPC&CC will work local partners to increase awareness about dog strangling vine and to remove this vine in our community.
Rideau Waterway Land TrustWarren Nature Reserve Property Management Plan and Invasive
Species Removal
Invasive Plant Species Population Identification and Removal from the Warren Nature Reserve.
Temagami Lakes AssociationPromotion of Watercraft Decontamination Within
Temagami Area Lakes
Promote the adoption of watercraft decontamination techniques and practices within Temagami area lakes.
The Bruce Trail ConservancyBeaver Valley Buckthorn BustingBruce Trail Conservancy Ecologists and Beaver Valley Bruce Trail Club volunteers get together on a yearly basis in October to remove the invasive
Common Buckthorn from BTC Owned or managed land.
Town of Parry SoundJapanese Knotweed control and eradication
Japanese Knotweed control and eradication to restore the shoreline of the Seguin River in the Town of Parry Sound
Township of KingCold Creek Buckthorn RemovalThe Township of King Community Services Department is committed to controlling terrestrial invasive plants growing at Cold Creek Conservation order in order to reduce the negative impacts associated with European buckthorn. The purpose of the proposed project is to control through best management practices identified patches of European Buckthorn to reduce the spread of this noxious plants throughout the property growing along the trails and along forest edges.
Trout Unlimited CanadaStrategic Watershed Action Team (SWAT)We are improving southern Ontario’s freshwater and riparian buffers by
removing invasive species while educating and connecting with local communities.

Fiscal Year 2022 recipients

Summary of $1,000 Recipients

OrganizationProject NameProject Overview
Aquatarium at Tall Ships LandingSt. Lawrence most wanted invasive species curiosity cart programThe Aquatarium at Tall Ships Landing will implement an educational project that helps children to identify and understand the risk of invasive species throughout the 1000 Islands St. Lawrence region including a pop-up education station at the Aquatarium which will host sessions in 2022.
Boating Ontario AssociationSupporting invasive species education, community action and management planning in OntarioThe Boating Ontario Association will educate boaters on invasive species issues including provincial regulations, which will lead to a boating community equipped with the knowledge to keep waterways safe from invasive species.
City of Mississauga2022 Garlic Mustard Task ForceThe Corporation of the City of Mississauga will support the 2022 implementation of the City of Mississauga’s Garlic Mustard Task Force (GMTF) in order to grow their volunteer team and remove garlic mustard from natural areas in Mississauga.
Clean NorthDeveloping a Grow Me Instead education program for the greater Sault Ste. Marie areaClean North will work with a range of partners including Sault Naturalists, the Lake Superior Watershed Conservancy, and the city to develop “Grow Me Instead” materials specific to the area around Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario which can be used to educate gardeners and homeowners.
Eagle Lake Property Owners AssociationEagle Lake Eurasian watermilfoil information campaignThe Eagle Lake Property Owners Association will develop an awareness program for the cottagers around Eagle Lake to collectively help slow the spread of Eurasian Water Milfoil.
EcoSuperior6th Annual Garlic Mustard PullEcoSuperior Environmental Programs will host the 6th Annual Garlic Mustard Pull and engage citizens on locally relevant invasive species.
Essex County Field Naturalists PhragmitesPhrag fightersThe Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club will run education and demonstration events for volunteers, followed by secondary suppression and removal of invasive Phragmites in Windsor and Essex County.
Field and Stream Rescue TeamISC x FSRT Invasives on the edge 2022The Field and Stream Rescue Team will coordinate with local organizations and landowners in Burlington, Ontario to host community events that feature invasive species education, identification, and removal activities in valuable interstitial urban green spaces.
Friends of Kilally Meadows ESAEcoHikes with Friends of Kilally MeadowsFriends of Kilally Meadows ESA will engage EcoHikers in restoration of Kilally Meadows ESA, Highbury Avenue Bridge access point through management of invasive Himalayan balsam and garlic mustard and planting native plants.
Friends of Salmon RiverInvasive Species Action in the Salmon River WatershedFriends of the Salmon River will educate community members about Invasive Species and host field sessions to remove invasive Phragmites from the Salmon River Watershed.
Greater Sudbury Watershed Alliance, Aquatic Invasive Species CommitteeEurasian watermilfoil in Sudbury Lakes: status and options for actionThe Greater Sudbury Watershed Alliance, Aquatic Invasive Species Committee will create a comprehensive report to help the committee develop an environmentally and legally responsible action plan to limit the growth and spread of milfoil in the lakes in the City of Greater Sudbury.
Halton Environmental NetworkThe Meeting Hose – phragmites removal and re-naturalization projectThe Halton Environmental Network will remove invasive Phragmites and replace them with native species at the Meeting House and host workshops to educate the community on native species, wetland restoration and Indigenous Reconciliation and Traditional Knowledge.
Hamilton Conservation AuthorityInterpretive sign panel on invasive jumping wormsThe Hamilton and Region Conservation Authority will install educational signage on jumping worms, to engage the community about the impacts they are having on the Dundas Valley Conservation Area and prevent their spread.
Indigenous Land Stewardship CircleLDD Moth Egg Removal in High ParkThe Indigenous Land Stewardship Circle will educate community members on how to identify and remove LDD moth eggs and host public engagement activities for removal in High Park, Toronto before snowmelt.
Junction Creek Stewardship CommitteeAddressing erosion and biodiversity loss through invasive species managementThe Junction Creek Stewardship Committee will address biodiversity loss and erosion concerns along Junction Creek by engaging with local stakeholders and volunteers to remove invasive plants and replace them with native plants.
Kensington ConservancyIdentifying and preventing the spread of invasive plant speciesThe Kensington Conservancy (TKC) will implement an educational campaign to create awareness about invasive species found in the St. Joseph Channel area and installation of boot brush stations to help prevent the spread of invasive plants.
Kettlecreek Conservation Authority (KCCA)Dalewood Reservoir Woody Invasive Species ManagementKCCA plans to manage woody invasive species and engage youth through hands on action manual work in the St. Thomas area.
Lake of the WoodsSettlement Sampler Zebra Mussel Monitoring ProgramThe Lake of the Woods District Stewardship Association will distribute settlement samplers and aquatic invasive species resources to the community to detect, monitor, and manage the population of zebra mussels in the Lake of the Woods Watershed.
Lambton Shores Phragmites Community GroupPort Frank’s Wetland Enhancement ProjectLambton Shores Phragmites Community Group will install educational signs to educate the Port Franks community and tourists visiting the area regarding the threat posed by Phragmites to wetlands and shorelines and provide information and instruction for property owners.
Little RES QRed-Eared Slider Sanctuary Exclusion FencingLittle RES Q will install specialty perimeter fencing for their turtle sanctuary in Pefferlaw, Ontario to accommodate and contain invasive red-eared slider turtles, providing a safe place for pet surrender that will prevent pet release and protect native turtle species.
Maitland Trail Association (MTA)Remove Common Buckthorn from the Maitland WoodsMTA would like to remove buckthorn safely and introduce Indigenous tree species and engage the public with ecosystem restoration for the Goderich area.
Manitoulin StreamsLake Wosle and Rozel Bay Phrag RemovalThe Manitoulin Streams Improvement Association will remove invasive Phragmites from Lake Wosley and Rozel Bay with the help of community volunteers to protect native species habitat and Species at Risk.
Municipality of Huron ShoresInvasive species and species at risk in Huron ShoresThe Municipality of Huron Shores will educate staff on invasive species issues, install signage on boat cleaning and boot brushing, and install a CD3 roadside boat cleaning system for public use to protect Huron Shores wilderness from invasive species.
Niagara CollegeRestoration of native escarpment floraThe Ecosystem Restoration students at Niagara College will reduce and prevent the spread of Common Buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) through mechanical removal techniques in the Niagara escarpment, and prepare the area for restorative planting.
Ontario NatureCommon reed management at Lawson Nature ReserveOntario Nature will remove invasive Phragmites from Lawson Nature Reserve and work with volunteers to monitor and manage regrowth.
Ontario Turtle Conservation CentreMinimizing the threat of invasive species to at- risk turtle populationsThe Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre will help to reduce the threat of invasive Phragmites and red-eared sliders on at-risk turtle populations through education workshops, modules and communication channels.
Odoonabii Watershed StewardsJackson Park invasive species removalThe Odoonabii Watershed Stewards will recruit community volunteers to remove buckthorn from Jackson Park in Peterborough, Ontario and replace it with native, fast-growing trees and shrubs to provide benefits to both humans and wildlife.
Ottawa South Ecoaction NetworkProviding education and action on invasive species in Ottawa SouthThe Ottawa South Ecoaction Network will educate and train local residents and students in the proper identification, removal and disposal of invasive species in Southern Ontario and partner with ongoing removal efforts in nearby communities to build trained volunteer capacity for local projects.
Phragmites Working Group Lake BernardTruxor Days support and invasive species management education for municipal workersThe Phragmites Working Group Lake Bernard will use large equipment to unload and load pre- cut invasive Phragmites into trucks for transport to safe disposal areas and will deliver invasive species education to department staff in order to assist in invasive Phragmites management.
Port Dover Waterfront Preservation AssociationPurple loosestrife biological control initiativeThe Port Dover Waterfront Preservation Association will implement biological control to manage invasive purple loosestrife in the Silver Lake basin.
Rideau Waterway Land TrustNicholson’s Point Wood Nature Reserve Property Management PlanRideau Waterway Land Trust will work with and educate property neighbours to create a property management plan for Nicholson Point Woods Nature Reserve to quantify the threat of invasive species and how to address them.
Rouge River Malvern Seedy Saturday Fair (ad hoc)Weed WalksRouge River and The Seedy Saturday Fair will invite residents to participate in biweekly walks to learn about invasive species such as dog-strangling vine and garlic mustard and how they can help to eliminate them.
Sault Ste. Marie Golf Club (SGC)Outreach, education and action!The Sault Ste. Marie Golf Club will provide outreach and education on invasive species to promote a greater awareness of invasive species issues such as early detection and community science to increase public engagement.
Severn Sound Environmental AssociationPenetanguishene Waterfront Park phragmites management and site restorationThe Severn Sound Environmental Association will work with the town of Penetanguishene and engage community groups and volunteers in stewardship activities to remove invasive Phragmites and restore habitat through planting native species at Champlain Wendat Park.
Sharbot Lake Property Owners AssociationInvasive Eurasian watermilfoil baseline imaging projectThe Sharbot Lake Property Owners’ Association will work with the GREC school aerial drone program to produce a fly-over of portions of Sharbot Lake affected by the Eurasian watermilfoil and produce imagery of the affected areas to form a basis for continued monitoring and planning of control efforts.
Thames Talbot Land TrustInvasive species mapping and removalTTLT will enhance and restore important wildlife habitats through the management of invasive species in three nature reserves, Mud Lake Reserve, Sitler Woods and Newport Forest.
Toronto Natuare StewardsToronto Nature Stewards pop- up invasive removal eventsThe Toronto Nature Stewards will host pop-up events to educate volunteers about invasive garlic mustard, dog-strangling vine and buckthorn identification, impacts, and removal.
Township of KingTownship of King invasive species managementThe Township of King will develop an Invasive Species Management Operating Strategy, educate and engage the community in invasive species management, and remove invasive buckthorn from Cold Creek Conservation Area and other locations.
Township of TinySpotted knapweed and habitat restoration projectThe Township of Tiny will work in partnership with the Severn Sound Environmental Association and community volunteers to remove spotted knapweed and restore sand dune habitat through planting native species at the coastal site Lafontaine Beach, Tiny.
Tree Fest Ottawa (lead) and Friends of Carlington WoodsBuckthorn removalTree Fest Ottawa will partner with Friends of Carlington Woods to organize staff and volunteers to remove a stand of buckthorn that is threatening a pollinator garden in Carlington, the Clyde Bee & Butterfly Patch, and replace it with native species.
University of TorontoEarly detection of invasive jumping worms using community scienceDr. Michael McTavish, University of Toronto, will engage community members from several organizations to raise awareness of jumping worms through fact sheets, guided hikes, and public presentations and to collect invaluable early detection and monitoring data using online surveys, field sampling kits, and reporting to EDDMapS.
University of TorontoIncorporating Invasive plants into the existing monitoring programsThe Institute of Forestry & Conservation, University of Toronto will make an invasive plant species inventory and monitoring more explicit within the existing programs and engage and educate the public about invasive plants through their two inventory and monitoring programs.
Wollaston Lake Home and Cottage AssociationEurasian Milfoil Action CommitteeThe Wollaston Lake Home and Cottage Association will manage the infestation of Eurasian Milfoil in Wollaston Lake through broad community engagement and education.
Wye Marsh Wildlife CentreRiparian buckthorn control projectThe Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre will coordinate staff and volunteers to contain and suppress invasive buckthorn using mechanical methods in the riparian areas of the Wye Marsh National Wildlife Area.
Your LeafVolunteer stewardship eventsLEAF will host volunteer stewardship events in naturalized areas around the city of Richmond Hill and the Township of King to remove invasive plants and ensure the establishment of newly planted native trees and shrubs.

Summary of $5,000 Recipients

OrganizationProject NameLocationProject Overview
Alderville Black Oak Savanna (BOS)Invasive species control in grassland habitatEastern OntarioThe Alderville BOS will execute an invasive species control program on globally-rare grassland ecosystems as an integral part of Tallgrass Prairie and Black Oak Savanna habitat restoration.
City of MarkhamLDD Tree Burlap Banding KitsCentral OntarioThe City of Markham will assist residents in the control of spongy moth by providing assembled tree banding kits.
City of StratfordRemoval of invasive species vegetation from TJ Dolan Natural AreaSouthwestern OntarioThe City of Stratford will eliminate Japanese Knotweed, European Buckthorn and periwinkle from the TJ Dolan natural area.
Credit Valley ConservationForks of the Credit Centre for Biodiversity dog-strangling vine community collaborative projectCentral OntarioCredit Valley Conservation Authority will connect with private landowners to control invasive dog-strangling vine on public and private landowner properties in the environmentally significant area of Forks of the Credit Centre for Biodiversity.
Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA)Mobilizing against the spreadEastern OntarioThe GRCA will remove several invasive species and involve students in environmental initiatives in the Ganaraska forest.
Halton Region Conservation AuthorityFrom the ground up species invaders programCentral OntarioConservation Halton will grow the capacity of their Species Invaders program by supporting a class-set of invasive species removal equipment.
Lakehead UniversityOntario Youth Naturalist program invasive species module expansion and pilotNortheastern OntarioLakehead University will educate Ontario’s SHSM students and pilot a youth action plan project with Parks Canada, aiming for participation from students in Orillia, Sault Ste. Marie, Stayner and Elliott Lake.
Magnetawan First NationEducation, management and prevention of invasive speciesNortheastern OntarioMagnetawan First Nation (MFN) will employ a community member to develop and apply invasive species management and prevention skills to develop a community-based action plan for the prevention and management of invasive species on MFN.
Mohawk Seedkeeper GardensPhase II wetland restorationSouthwestern OntarioMohawk Seedkeeper Gardens will use Indigenous Knowledge and ancestral responsibilities to focus on healing Mother Earth, through land restoration and spiritual connections. This includes purple loosestrife removal, habitat revitalization initiatives and a community education workshop.
Niagara Peninsula Conservation AuthorityE.C. Brown Wetland restoration projectSouthwestern OntarioNiagara Peninsula Conservation Authority will use funds to cut and paint the largest invasive European black alder trees in the E.C. Brown Wetland, located in the Welland River floodplain.
Oakville GreenInvasive species awareness in action projectCentral OntarioOakville Green’s Invasive Species Awareness and Action Project will train community members to identify and control the spread of invasive species in local woodlots and private properties in Oakville through workshops and hands-on removal events.
Ontario StreamsEuropean buckthorn control and native revegetation projectCentral OntarioOntario Streams will host events removing European buckthorn and planting native vegetation in headwater habitats within the Humber River Watershed. This is expected to lead to 3,066 m2 of habitat improved from invasive plant species removal and engage more than 100 volunteers.
Town of MidlandLittle Lake Park Japanese knotweed removalCentral OntarioThe Town of Midland plans to manage the Japanese Knotweed growth in Little Lake Park.
Upper Thames River Conservation AuthoritySavanna Restoration ProjectSouthwestern OntarioUpper Thames River Conservation Authority will remove invasive plants and thinning pines in a sterile (non-productive) pine plantation in London, Ontario to create a diverse savanna and tallgrass prairie habitat.
Woolwich TownshipBeating Back BuckthornSouthwestern OntarioTownship of Woolwich Environmental Enhancement Committee will eradicate buckthorn in the Elmira Nature Reserve to protect native species with the help of community volunteers educated on invasive species issues and identification.

Fiscal Year 2021 recipients

OrganizationProject NameProject Overview
Aundeck Omni Kaning First NationAwareness to Weed Out Hogweed and Invasive SpeciesCommunity dissemination, tour to identify and provide proper equipment to remove hogweed and related species.
Chippewas of Georgina Island First NationManaging Invasive Species and Preserving TEK on Georgina Island First NationReducing the introduction, establishment, and spread of invasive species while preserving Traditional plants with outreach and education initiatives on Georgina Island.
  Corporation of the Township of Tiny  Play Clean Go TinyThe Township of Tiny will host Invasive Species webinars and install a NAISMA Boot Brush Station and educational signage along the Tiny Trail, part of the Trans Canada Trail System.
EcoSuperior Environmental Programs  5th Annual Garlic Mustard Invasive Plant PullEcoSuperior will host the 5th Annual Garlic Mustard Invasive Plant Pull at the McVicar Creek walking trail to control the spread of this harmful invasive in the Thunder Bay area.
Friends of Second MarshLet’s Dephrag the Marsh! – Public Education about PhragmitesTo create a public awareness campaign about the impacts of Phragmites on our ecosystems and what can be done to manage its spread.
Goderich to Guelph Rail Trail Inc  G2G Citizen ScienceRaising awareness of the trail community about differentiating invasive species and implementing action steps.
Grand Council Treaty #3Grand Council Treaty #3 Zebra Mussel Early Detection ProgramThe Territorial Planning Unit will work with Treaty #3 communities to create a network for early detection of zebra mussels in Treaty #3 territory.
Grey Sauble ConservationBuckhorn Control at Massie Hills Management UnitThe reduction of Invasive Buckthorn shrubs in a managed forest that also includes several Species at Risk.
Kingston Indigenous Languages Nest  MitigwakiingThe Enji-Goode project builds our capacity as an urban Indigenous community to promote biodiversity and manage invasive species.
Lake of the Woods District Stewardship AssociationZebra Mussel Settlement Sampler Community WorkshopsCommunity workshops to construct zebra mussel samplers and learn how to prevent, monitor, and manage the spread of aquatic invasive species.
  Lakehead UniversityOntario Youth Naturalist Program: Invasive Species moduleThe Ontario Youth Naturalist Program’s Invasive species module enables youth to learn about invasives from Bob Bowles, and work with Parks Canada toward identification and eradication.
Manitoulin Streams Improvement AssociationSmith Bay Creek Phragmites RemovalRemoval of Phragmites from the mouth of Smith Bay Creek in order to protect native species and accessibility for migrating salmonids.
Missanabie Cree First NationBlack Ash Inventory, Emerald Ash Borer Risk AssessmentInventory black ash on MCFN reserve lands in summer of 2021, survey for existence of Emerald Ash Borer, collect black ash seeds.
Mohawk Seedkeeper Gardens  Indigenous Food TreesProviding living examples of ancestral land management by enhancing community capacity and resiliency whilst preventing the spread of invasive species.
Municipality of WhitestoneInvasive Species Education PlanInvasive species staff training, rate payer education and social media educational campaign.
Northumberland Land TrustDog-strangling vine control and native species replantingTo control dog-strangling vine and replant with native species
Oakvillegreen Conservation Association  Oakville Invasive Species Action CampaignBuilding awareness among Oakville residents about the threats of invasive plant species and engaging them in hands-on action to restore the health of our urban forests.
  Ontario NatureBuckthorn and Garlic Mustard removal project at Lawson Nature ReserveOntario Nature will partner with nature clubs and the public to remove Buckthorn and Garlic Mustard at Lawson Nature Reserve.
    rare Charitable Research ReserveCommunities for Conservation – Tackling Invasive Species with Action and Education through the Volunteer raresites Land Steward Program  Providing access to equipment, resources, and training to community members interested in monitoring trails and combatting invasive species at rare Charitable Research Reserve.
Severn Sound Environmental AssociationSevern Sound Invasive Species SpottersVolunteer citizen scientists will be recruited to collect scientific data on invasive Starry Stonewort in the Severn Sound area.
Society of Ecological Restoration, Niagara College
Student Chapter
6-Mile Riparian RestorationRestoration of a portion of the 6-Mile creek on Niagara College Campus to remove invasive phragmites and naturalize the riparian buffer.
Toronto Master GardenersInvasive Species Awareness InitiativeEducation of the gardening public by a team of specifically trained TMG’s with the goal of preventing and combatting the spread of invasive species.
Township of
Fighting PhragmitesTo mow, cut and control patches of phragmites in an area undergoing naturalization.
Whanapitae First NationIdentifying Invasive Species of Whanapitae First NationObtain proper knowledge, training, protocols, control, and awareness of what
invasive species can be found in our community